Automatic Air Bleeder Valve

Prevents electric heater dry fire in hot tubs!

Air locks have been the deadly enemy of spa heaters in hot tub applications. Hot tub heaters are destroyed if air is trapped in the heater manifold. Especially after spa empty and refill, consumers often forget to bleed the air out of the hot tub plumbing. This usually results in a spa heater “dry fire” and costly hot tub heater replacement.

Hot tub manufacturers do not warranty submersible spa heaters against dry fire. Submersible hot tub heaters are 100% efficient, but this makes dry fire a real concern.

Acura Spa Systems engineered a simple, inexpensive yet most innovative device to automatically bleed air locks out of the spa heater plumbing preventing heater dry fire and in many cases also helps priming the spa pump. Make sure your spa heater is protected.

Airbleeder ABV130 Assembly and ABV1-5 Pipe Coupling
Automatic Airbleeder Valve and Air Bleeder Relief Fitting (ABV100 and ABF110) and 48 in. x 0.35 in. I.D. Tubing
Pump Air Bleeder (no valve), to help prime pump, 0.5" threaded (1/8 NPP) x 0.4" slip
Automatic Air Bleeder (AAB) Valve
Air Bleeder Relief Fitting (ABF)
2 in. slip x 2 in. slip x (1-4) NPT Pipe Tee
Automatic Airbleeder Valve and Air Bleeder Relief Fitting (ABV100 and ABF110)
Automatic Airbleeder Valve and Air Bleeder Relief Fitting (ABV100 and ABF110) and 48 in. x 0.35 in. I.D. Tubing